Work For Good


Work For Good ///

Passion projects. Side hustle. Whatever you want to call it,
I believe creativity can solve a lot of problems.


Cigarette butts are the NUMBER 1 most littered object on the planet. 4.3 Trillion are flicked every year. That's Trillion with a "T".

These suckers are not biodegradable and they leach toxins like arsenic into our water system. This year, Surfrider is going to make it their number one priority to help rid the world of
these little toxic waste nuggets.

This creative found its way into Posters, Social & digital. Luzer's Print of the week.

Half to Go

Half to Go is a program that offers restaurant guests the opportunity to eat light by sharing half their portion with someone who could
really use it. Guests pay for the meal, they are served half the portion, and the rest is boxed up neatly and delivered to a homeless shelter or soup kitchen that very night.

Partnering with FoodRunners a volunteer group in San Francisco, picks up excess food 7 days a week from over 450 restaurants, caterers, grocery stores, farmers’ markets and other business to deliver an average of 15 tons of food a week to shelters and soup kitchens.

Bring back the bears

The symbol on the California State flag is a Grizzly Bear and the last one was shot and killed in 1924. Grizzlies currently occupy just four percent of their former historic habitats in the
lower 48 states. None of this is in California. If these endangered bears are ever going to truly recover, they need to be returned to their native homes in the American West.

We created an iconic flag (sans bear) 4 videos and a site to help drive people to sign the petition that
The Center for Biological Diversity has filed to bring back these native species.

Peet's Social Responsibility

The coffee you buy can impact the welfare of people and planet. Peet’s committed to improving conditions on coffee farms by partnering with Enveritas, an organization that measures impacts at the micro level. That means auditing over 55,000 farms and looking at 30 different factors. No easy task.
But Peet's is now 100% verified and this is the work to celebrate that.


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